Speer was awarded a contract earlier this month with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) for up to 120 million rounds of 124-grain, 9 mm Gold Dot Duty ammunition. First delivery takes place in 2018, according to the agreement, and it will be supplied to multiple DHS law enforcement components and other federal agencies for up to a five-year period.
The DHS, which was established in 2002, has nearly 240,000 employees. Its 22 departments and agencies include the Coast Guard, Secret Service, ICE, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Customs and Border Protection, Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and others.
“Speer Gold Dot has along history of providing trusted performance time and time again for our nation’s law enforcement and military,” said Speer Product Director Jason Nash. “We’re very proud to provide Gold Dot to the DHS for their duty ammunition needs.”
The bullet’s lead core is electro-chemically bonded to the jacket—using the company’s exclusive Uni-Core method—minimizing the chances of separation if it passes through an intermediate barrier (windshields, etc.) en route to the target. The process also results in a more uniform jacket thickness that improves accuracy. Gold Dot was the first handgun ammunition with true, bonded-core bullets and the hollow-point cavity is tuned to work in concert with the caliber and weight to optimize penetration and expansion.
A final, rounding and smoothing of the hollow-point profile enhances functioning and reliability. Coupled with nickel-plated brass to smooth chambering and extraction, the load has quickly gained favor in many law enforcement agencies nationwide.
The 9 mm isn’t the only handgun cartridge carried by agents of the various HSA agencies. The list currently includes .357 SIG, .38 Spl. +P, and .40 S&W, as well as 12-gauge and .223 Rem. in long guns.