NRA Publications Announces 2023 Golden Bullseye Award Winners

Shooting Illustrated to honor new items from Springfield Armory, Taurus, Savage and other innovative manufacturers.

posted on December 20, 2022
2023 Golden Bullseye Awards

Shooting Illustrated, the National Rifle Association’s Official Journal covering personal protection, is proud to announce the winners of its 2023 Golden Bullseye Awards. The awards are chosen by a committee of NRA Publications editors based on criteria that examines a product’s innovation, utility, reliability, outstanding performance and value to the consumer. All products reviewed by Shooting Illustrated in 2022 were eligible, and the winners were selected from the best of the best.

The awards are selected by the editorial staffs of four of NRA Publications’ properties through a rigorous evaluation process, and they are each reviewed by NRA Publications’ management. “A big thank you to the NRA Publications editorial staff who literally tested hundreds of new products before making their 2023 Golden Bullseye selections,” said NRA Publications Executive Director Doug Hamlin. This year’s Golden Bullseye Awards are even more noteworthy as American Rifleman, “the World’s Oldest and Largest Firearm Authority,” is celebrating its 100th anniversary. This year also marks the 50th year of publication of NRA’s American Hunter magazine, the world’s largest circulation hunting magazine. Golden Bullseyes are also awarded by NRA’s most contemporary Official Journal, Shooting Illustrated, as well as by NRA Publication’s fastest-growing web property,

“The NRA Golden Bullseye Awards epitomize what NRA members seek in their shooting and hunting equipment—outstanding performance, innovation and value,” Hamlin continued. “These are the best new products, truly worthy of NRA Member’s attention, and I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all this year’s winners.”

To qualify for consideration for a Golden Bullseye Award, the product must have been:

  • Recently introduced and available to consumers prior to the selection of the Golden Bullseye Awards
  • Used/tested by a staff member or regular contributor to the magazine and/or affiliated media
  • Reliable in the field, meeting or exceeding the evaluator’s expectations
  • Innovative in design and function
  • Readily perceived as a value to the purchaser
  • Styled in a manner befitting the shooting and hunting industry and, perhaps more importantly, its enthusiasts.

The Winners Are:

Rifle of the Year: Springfield Armory Saint Edge ATC

Handgun of the Year: Taurus Executive Grade 856

Shotgun of the Year: Savage Renegauge Security

Ammunition of the Year: Federal Premium 30 Super Carry

Optic of the Year: Leupold Patrol 6HD

Accessory of the Year: Fix-It-Sticks Compact Ratcheting Multitool

Whereas the Golden Bullseye Award acknowledges the finest products available in the shooting sports, the Golden Bullseye Pioneer Award specifically honors outstanding personal achievement. The Pioneer Award spotlights the exemplary achievement and cumulative body of work of an individual, or members of a family, team or partnership, responsible for the development and introduction of shooting equipment that has made a profound, positive and enduring impact on the way Americans shoot and hunt.

2023 Pioneer Award

Bill Wilson, Owner Wilson Combat

“Also, my heartfelt congratulations to Pioneer Award honoree Bill Wilson from Wilson Combat. I have known Bill personally for more than 30 years,” said Hamlin, “and his standard for producing world class custom firearms is unparalleled."

The 2023 Golden Bullseye Awards will be presented in person at an invitation-only event during the 2023 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Indianapolis, Ind., and will include recognition of Pioneer Award Winner Bill Wilson, founder and owner of Wilson Combat.



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