While we spend most of our time in this blog talking about guns, gear and tactics, there are other kinds of personal defense that are just as important. One of those is coming up this next year in the form of another presidential election. And, as usual, there will be candidates who don't like the Second Amendment and don't like the idea of you protecting yourself and your family. And, also as usual, you will see a whole raft of candidates posing for photos with their shotgun while hunting elk, or their Winchester .300 Win. Mag. while quail hunting (okay, not really, but it almost seems that ridiculous).
The fact is that you and I have to get more involved than ever in the election process of our country. Most of you who are reading this are probably already NRA members, so let's start by creating our own little project of signing up new members. The conservative victory this past fall found the NRA on the front line as usual. I know that the NRA/ILA is doing its job because the anti-gun crowd is always screaming and hollering about it. Well, we need to give them reason to scream and holler even more and even louder.
Too many people think that those who donate to the NRA/ILA are rich people. But that is not necessarily the case. Any amount will help to defend our rights as American citizens. If you can only afford $5 bucks, well send them five bucks and know that it will be put to good use.
But our responsibilities as legitimate gun owners doesn't stop there. Even if we are a bit strapped for money, we can always donate a bit of our time. The people who are actually paying the bills in this country need to become more active in what goes on in our government. Talk it up among the voters in your community. Volunteer in a political campaign. We all need to do something except to sit and gripe about the way things are going.