A packed house at Lucas Oil Stadium listened to speakers as diverse as the governor of Indiana to Indianapolis Colts placekicker and four-time Superbowl champion Adam Vinatieri extol the virtues of the Second Amendment and the importance in vigilantly defending the right to keep and bear arms. Indiana Governor Mike Pence noted that "Indiana is a state that works because Indiana believes in freedom." He later assailed those who would abridge that freedom via onerous anti-gun legislation, stating: "Firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens do not increase crime, they help fight crime."Pence was joined in this assessment by Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who also added the seven words he would use to change the Second Amendment: "Keep your hands off our guns, dammit!" A local resident attending the event with family members who drove from Wisconsin explained his motivation for attending the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum: "Without the Second Amendment, you can forget about the country, about being free. The NRA is the best for defending the right [to keep and bear arms]."