Custom defensive pistols are an American tradition. From the ivory grips on a cowboy’s six shooter to today’s stippled frames and Cerakote slides, having a pistol with you that looks great and performs even better is a common thread in our gun culture.
The same is true for how we carry those guns. The rich, hand-tooled leather of the past is sharing the stage with modern materials like Kydex, but the desire remains to show off a treasured possession while keeping it close at hand.
This is one of the ideas behind the new Corvus Speedcut holster from Galco. The openings in the Corvus Speedcut let you show off the finish on your pistol as well as any custom slide cuts, making this holster a display window for your personalized pistol. On the practical side, the speed cuts along the slide reduce friction on the draw and decrease moisture trapping against the pistol.
The Corvus Speed Cut is constructed of Kydex and quickly and easily converts from a outside the waistband holster (OWB) to an inside the waistband (IWB) design. The open top allows for a fast draw, and the holster is adjustment for cant and ride height, the amount of which varies by pistol size. The Kydex construction means it’s virtually maintenance-free, while the comfortable molding makes it an excellent choice for defensive carry.
The Corvus Speed Cut comes complete with belt slots in both 1½- and 1¾-inch widths, as well as straps for conversion to inside the waistband carry. The holster can accommodate most carry-style optical sights, while the deep sight rail accommodates most suppressor-height sights.
MSRP for the Corvus Speedcut for the Glock G17 is $129, and more information on this holster and other products from Galco is available at galcousa.com.