Comfort Holsters is introducing a new holster line that follows their trademark design checklist: a gel insert, small footprint, and amazing fit & finish. This brand new model offers another attractive feature. It’s very affordable. Comfort Holsters will start taking pre-orders on June, 1 2015 for their new Froggy Holster. Pricing will start at $29.99.
The Froggy Holster is constructed with a non-slip outer shell, a low friction inner shell, and their trademark gel insert. Comfort Holsters uses a lighter gel/foam hybrid material on this new model to shave off a few ounces of weight. The Froggy Holster is a “zero clip” design. This means it doesn’t use a belt clip to stabilize your pistol in your waistband. It uses a “high friction” non-slip outer shell that grabs your clothing when you cinch down your belt. This opens up many cant and ride height options. Its low friction inner shell will allow a smooth draw and greatly cut down on holster wear.
The new Froggy Holster is a small, lightweight holster with a gel comfort core. Check out the new Froggy Holster by Comfort Holsters if you want an affordable, and extremely comfortable holster. You’ll find them at ComfortHolsters.com.