Fobus offers a sturdy, no-nonsense line of polymer holsters for a wide variety of handguns. Part of this line is the company's "Roto-Holster" series, which utilizes a setscrew at the attachment point of the holster to the belt mount to change the holster's cant through a 360 degree rotation.
The Roto-Holster Belt for revolvers is designed for the Smith & Wesson J-Frame revolver, Rossi model 88, Charter Arms Undercover and other similarly sized .38 Spl./.357 Mag. revolvers. It is designed to accommodate a handgun with a Crimson Trace Lasergrip installed, with a slight forward relief cut to insure the Lasergrip does not impinge on the holster.
Sturdy, impervious to the elements and affordable, Fobus's line of polymer holsters offer versatility and utility. The Roto-Holster offers 40 different positions, including straight drop, canted, crossdraw and numerous other configurations to fit into any plan.
MSRP: $34.99.