Texas-based Kratos Design Group is now offering caliber-specific alignment rods to customers, gunsmiths, armorers or anyone else who shoots modern rifles with a suppressor. Alignment rods are extremely straight, caliber-specific rods that are used to check concentricity between the bore of a rifle and the internal bore of any suppressor that’s mounted to the rifle. An alignment rod is as low tech as it comes, as it is inserted through the suppressor all the way to the rifle's bore with the idea that the user will not feel any resistance along the path. Simple as they may be, the Kratos Design Group Alignment Rods provide armorers, gunsmiths and end users critical information that verifies whether a silencer is properly aligned with its host firearm. Misalignment between a suppressor and the bore can lead to baffle strikes or other critical issues that can render both the host firearm and the suppressor inoperable.
“Kratos as a company is always looking for ways that we can solve problems and a common issue we see is suppressors being damaged due to non-concentric threads or improperly installed suppressors. There are other alignment rods on the market, but most are very expensive and made from steel or other metals that can warp and bend over time giving inaccurate readings that can lead to a catastrophic failure of the suppressor. We wanted an affordable solution that will give accurate readings time and time again. We spec our rods to be straight to .001 inch and they’re designed to fit specific bores. We incorporated a high visibility tip to make the process easier as well. We also pride ourselves on reusable packaging that serves multiple purposes. Instead of disposable packaging we supply these rods with a re-usable case that can be hung on a workbench or in a drawer that will keep the rod protected over its life. We’re able to reduce waste and also provide extra value to our customers.”
The Alignment Rod is currently available in two sizes, 5.56 NATO/.223 Rem. and 6mm. Kratos plans to release 9mm, 6.5mm and 7.62mm rods late in 2024. Visit kratosdesigngroup.com to learn more about this product or other items offered by Kratos Design Group.