Dirty Bird Game Targets produce a white "halo" around each shot, making it easy to see your score. Shooters can use the targets for fun practice, or several shooters can compete against one another for high score. There are no official rules, so shooters can designate their own.
Dirty Bird Game Targets come in four colorful styles. With Battle at Sea™ shooters take turns trying to "sink" each other's ships. Shot Board™ is a variation of the popular dart board game. Saloon Shootout™ takes you back to the old west for a chance to take down some mean hombres. For the avid golfer there is Chip Shot™, a great way to combine target shooting with golf.
Dirty Bird Game Targets are 12"x18" and come in packs of eight. They sell for a suggested retail price of $12.50
For more information, log onto the Birchwood Casey website at www.birchwoodcasey.com.