Firearm Tips

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Skills Check: Five-Stage Drive

Consistency is the holy grail of shooter development. Working to forge repeatability into each subcomponent of the shooting process contributes to overall consistency.

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Know Who You Are, And Carry What You Need

There's more than one way to save a life.

Performance Shooting

How well can you repeatedly do something exceptionally difficult, and do it on demand? 

Fightin' Iron: Survival of the Fittest

Successful gunmakers require an endless process of evolution.

No Safe Place

No one can predict when and where we might have to defend themselves from a criminal attack.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Concealed Carry

Carrying a defensive pistol with you means making some changes to how you live.

Embracing The Red Dot Sight

A simple change in approach may be what you need to get red dots sights to work for you.

Straight Talk: A Lifetime Commitment

Self-defense requires dedication and long-term goals.

Using A Suppressor With Your Rifle

Sound suppressors are vital safety products and are getting better all the time.

What Is Good Enough?

How does one define acceptable accuracy with any or all of these guns? And what is the magic sight picture to achieve acceptable accuracy?

Running The Defensive Lever-Action Rifle

The right training can turn a lever-action rifle into a formidable defensive firearm.

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