Torrid Tavor

posted on May 2, 2014

Work in the firearm industry long enough, and you get jaded. Few guns get you excited, since you've seen just about everything, a new color or a moderately modified stock just don't have much effect. Once in a while, however, a gun comes along that gets the juices flowing, which is what happened in 2013 when IWI US brought the Tavor to our shores.

I had been waiting for someone, anyone, to bring the Tavor to the civilian market. It could be (and in my opinion, is) the finest bullpup rifle ever made, and it has proven itself in near daily combat for the past decade. So I was quite happy when IWI US brought the gun to market and promptly bought one.

I've not been disappointed with my purchase. It is accurate, reliable and easily the most maneuverable rifle I own. I've also found it easier to get used to the bullpup configuration than I expected. The Tavor is simply awesome, and I'm hoping some reputable training school will offer a class covering its use.

IWI US is likewise pleased with the Tavor's reception. I spoke with company Vice President of Sales and Marketing Michael Kassnar and Projects Manager Assaf Elias at the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Indianapolis, and they gave me some interesting information. The most interesting tidbit was this: The company expected to sell between 5,000 and 6,000 in the first year—it sold 20,000, and dealer shelves remain bare of Tavors. Those numbers speak well of both the rifle and the taste of American consumers.

I look forward to additional Tavor developments in the future, be it accessories like the recently introduced drop-in triggers from Geissele and Timney, training from folks who know how to operate a bullpup rifle or other accessories for this fantastic home-defense firearm.

I also got wind of some of IWI US's future plans, but I'm sworn to secrecy. Let's just say I'm equally excited about those plans as I was for the Tavor…


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