In the "everything old is new again" files is the Signal 9 Defense Reliant 4-shot derringer. Following in the footsteps of the Mossberg Brownie and the COP, the Reliant utilizes four individual barrels and a rotating firing pin to give four shots of .32 H&R Mag., .32 ACP, .380 ACP or .38 Spl. +P.
With a stainless steel barrel and aluminum frame, the Reliant's action (based on the Webley Fosbery action) rotates the firing pin from barrel to barrel. The double-action trigger is smooth, but long for safety, and the firing pin comes to rest in between the barrels for safety--there's no chance of accidental discharge should the Reliant be dropped.
One of the neatest features of the Reliant is the grip/reloader. Concealed in the grip is a speedloader holding four additional rounds of fodder for immediate recharge of the pistol. Simply remove the loader, insert four rounds into the chamber and peel off the loader. A powerful magnet holds the loader in place and additional units will be available.
MSRP is expected to be $449 and the Reliant should be shipping before the end of 2015.