by Shooting Illustrated Staff posted on November 14, 2011 Guns Support NRA Shooting Illustrated DONATE If you've ever been pestered by skunks or other nuisance critters in the night, or simply want to have fun accessorizing a new pistol, you will want to take a look at the new Ruger 22/45. In this article .22 LR, ruger, semi-automatic pistol Related Stories Review: Kel-Tec CP33 Review: Ruger Security-9 Pistol Review: Beretta 21A Bobcat Covert All-in-One Tool for Ruger Rimfire Pistols I Carry: Ruger-57 Pistol in a Galco Holster Most Popular Review: Live Free Armory LF556 LEO Tactical Carbine Check It Out First Look: Burris XTR PS Optics Playing Favorites When Is A Sixgun Is Not A Sixgun? Handguns: A Too-Cool Tool?