During a recent visit to company HQ, LaserLyte's irrepressible VP Aaron Moore was barely able to contain his excitement about his company's newest offering. This new device would revolutionize laser training scenarios, making it the most efficient way to train using a laser.
LaserLyte's new Trainer Barrel Laser, currently available for the Glock 19/23, allows the shooter to train with their concealed-carry firearm with a simple barrel change. Not only does this make it exceedingly simple to start training, it provides immediate visual cues noting the firearm is not ready to fire and in training mode.
It's fascinating to track the improvements and upgrades that LaserLyte has brought to the laser training table. The LT-PRO, which still represents a cost-effective, multi-platform option, got things rolling with a universal device that was inserted into the barrel of the desired firearm. Next to come were the laser training cartridges, caliber-specific dummy rounds with lasers built in. These trainers are inserted into the chamber of the desired firearm and are actuated by the gun's firing pin.
And now there's a dedicated barrel that ensures training is easy, effective, and safe.
MSRP: $159.95.