by Guy J. Sagi posted on July 4, 2012 News Support NRA Shooting Illustrated DONATE Fireworks may be tradition, but we can never forget those who stood and stand on the front line of freedom to protect this great nation. Yesterday we took a different look at Arlington National Cemetery with that in mind.1 In this article Arlington National Cemetery, Independence Day, July 4th, military, Guy Sagi Related Stories 'Lafayette, We Are Here' I Carry: Independence Day EDC SIG M17s Stand Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier First Look: Nosler M48 Independence Day Rifle USAF Adopts Magpul PMag Most Popular First Look: Mossberg 590M Mag-Fed Professional Series Fitting the Shotgun First Look: Mossberg 590R and 590RM Shotguns Big Pistols vs. Small Pistols First Look: Hydra Marck-15 Hydra 10mm H21 PCC First Shots: Primary Arms HTX-1 MRDS