Fix It Sticks makes innovative, modular firearms maintenance tools and torque limiters. Now they are introducing a new a Brass Pin Punch Set, Extended Action Bits, a Brass Hammer Head bit and 140 Inch Pound Torque Limiter, all designed significantly increase the functionality of either Fix It Sticks tool system or with other gunsmithing products.
A good brass pin punch set is an indispensable part of any firearms tool kit. This set from Fix It Sticks is perfect for drifting sights, removing trigger group pins, or any other disassembly or assembly of firearms or other equipment that requires pin removal and reinstallation. Pin Punches are in the 1/16, 3/32, 1/8, 5/32, 3/16 and 1/4 inch sizes and are machined from solid bar stock with steel inserts in the base to work with magnetic drivers. The Brass Pin Punch Set works with the Fix It Sticks system as well as any other ¼-inch hex driver and has an MSRP of $30.
The tiny little screws inside the action of a firearm can be difficult to reach. Trigger guards, magazine wells and other features of your gun can get in the way, making disassembly and repair a painful task. The new Fix It Sticks Extended Action Bits Made with a ball end hex head to allow maximum access to screws. Extended Action Bits are available in 3/16 inch for Remington 700, AICS and similar actions, 5/32 inch for Ruger 10/22 V-Block and similar actions, 1/8 inch for KIDD, and T30 for numerous Precision Rifles (T30 is not a Ball End). The Extended Action Bits integrate with the Fix It Sticks tool system as well as work with any ¼-inch hex driver and have an MSRP of $8 each.
A small hammer can be indispensable for those firearms related tasks that require tapping and light hammer strikes when out in the field, but never seems to be on hand when it's really needed. Fix It Sticks solves this issue with the Brass Hammer Head, which is designed with a steel insert to work with magnetic drivers. The Brass Hammer Head is available now with an MSRP of $8.
Fix It Sticks now offers a 140 Inch-Pound Torque Limiter for fasteners that require substantial torque. The preset torque limiters also use ¼-inch bits and tighten to the user-specified in.-lbs. limit, at which point they spin freely. Fix It Sticks torque limiters will work with any ¼-inch bit driver. The 140 Inch Pound Torque Limiter has an MSRP of $45.
For more information on these new gunsmithing tools or other products from Fix It Sticks, please visit fixitsticks.com.