Federal Premium is known for making quality defensive shotgun ammunition. Now there is a new 12-gauge shotshell option, the Force X2 Shorty 00 buckshot, to its line of premium defensive shotgun. This lineup already includes industry heavy hitters like its tactical buckshot with the FliteControl wad or go-to tactical slug cartridges such as TruBall, TruBall Deep Penetrator, and the Hydra-Shok slug. Last but not least, Federal Premium already loads a full size 2¾-inch shotshell with nine X2 pellets. The new 1¾-inch Force X2 Shorty shotshell with six pellets, on the other hand, is designed to cycle in shotguns that are capable of handling sub-length shotshell.
Jesse Whiteside, Federal Premium’s Senior Director of Product Management said, “Shotgun platforms are evolving to be able to cycle 1¾-inch shells reliably. The Mossberg 590S is a great example of that.” Whiteside also mentioned that when Mossberg demonstrated this new shotgun to his team at Federal, they immediately saw the potential of the increased capacity and terminal effects of the Shorty Force X2 load.
The Federal Premium Force X2 Shorty shotshell is specifically loaded with six pellets of copper plated segmenting 00 buck. On impact these pellets expand into two segments, which achieves two things: The pellets create twelve different wound channels, and by having them split up, the chances of over penetration are greatly reduced. “The concept behind Force X2 is pretty straightforward. In a six-pellet 00 FX2 Buck load you get 12 wound channels,” continued Whiteside. “And with the short size, you get more magazine capacity. It’s as simple as that.”
A box of Force X2 shotshells comes with ten shells and retails for $28.99. For more information on the Force X2 Shorty buckshot and other defensive shotgun, rifle, and pistol ammunition please visit Federal Premium’s website at federalpremium.com.