Along with the surge of consumers purchasing concealed-carry pistols, there’s also been a need for reliable and powerful ammunition for those compact guns. Federal Premium Ammunition jumped on this demand by expanding their Micro HST line of ammo products to include the 9mm Micro HST Personal Defense for short-barreled pistols.
What makes the Micro HST Personal Defense ammo a wise choice for subcompact handguns? Well, the bullet of the cartridge is heavier with a lower velocity which decreases felt recoil and noise, and the expanded diameter and weight retention produce stoppable penetration for personal defense situations, without over penetrating. Additionally, the Micro HST Personal Defense is kind to handguns. The bullet nose profile, nickel-plated case and Federal primer provide excellent function and reliability in a semi-automatic handgun all the while burning clean and made of low-flash propellants.
What’s in your concealed-carry magazine?
MSRP: $31.95