Perhaps the single most noticeable feature of the Crimson Trace Lasergrip is the "instant-on" activation. Simply grip the firearm and the laser turns on, what could possibly be easier? For pistols like the 1911 or Smith & Wesson J-frame, swapping out grips to add the laser is a simple matter. For the Glock series, it's slightly more involved.
Glock's fourth generation made the process more streamlined, with interchangeable grip panels that require a simple punch to change out. Crimson Trace has capitalized on this new modularity and offered the LG-850, which comes standard with a slightly longer replacement pin to make adding the grip laser easy.
Once installed, the Lasergrips function like all other Crimson Trace Lasergrips, with activation of the laser achieved through the back of the grip (as opposed to the front as on Lasergrips for the 1911 or J-frame, for example). The Lasergrips do not change the dimensions of the handgun appreciably, meaning the pistol will still fit all standard holsters.
MSRP: $279.