When it comes to pocketknives, there's a lot of options. There are some truly exceptional knives out there, offering a dizzying array of fancy scales, exotic metals and/or rapid-deployment options.
What happens, though, if you're the type that either loses or lends knives frequently? Do you resign to be out $50/$75 every time a knife wanders off? Or do you feel stuck with inferior, cut-rate blades that you're likely to lose just to be rid of?
Well, Coast has an option. The FDX300, expected to be released next month, offers a glass-bead finish on a heat-treated frame. It's skeletonized to make it lighter, and features a partially serrated blade for tougher cutting jobs.
The pocket clip is reversible and suitable for ambidextrous operation, and twin thumb studs ensure rapid deployment with either hand. There's even a second lock to hold the liner lock safely in place if needed for arduous tasks.
Best part? The MSRP of $23.99. At this price, you're getting a sturdy, useful knife that won't break your heart if a friend "borrows" it for the long term. In fact, at that price, buy two just in case...