For pretty much any mechanical device, there are parts that wear, parts that break and parts that will eventually need to be replaced. Knowing how and when to replace parts, ideally before they fail, is integral to the proper operation of any device, whether firearm, motor vehicle or other machine.
American Built Arms offers what the company terms an "AR Essentials Kit" that contains the following items:
MSRP: $49.99.
Having spare parts on hand before one fails is critical to proper operation. Knowing when to replace parts known to wear is equally important - look to ShootingIllustrated.com for an upcoming article on which parts should be checked, how often they need looking after and how to replace each piece.
American Built Arms offers what the company terms an "AR Essentials Kit" that contains the following items:
- Nickel-boron coated cam pin
- Chrome firing pin
- Firing pin retaining pin
- Ejector
- Ejector spring
- Ejector pin
- Extractor with attached extractor spring
- Extractor spring with insert
- Extractor axle
- Gas rings
MSRP: $49.99.
Having spare parts on hand before one fails is critical to proper operation. Knowing when to replace parts known to wear is equally important - look to ShootingIllustrated.com for an upcoming article on which parts should be checked, how often they need looking after and how to replace each piece.