1 Millionth Visitor Arrives at NRA National Sporting Arms Museum

posted on December 30, 2016
When the Carter Family from West Memphis, AK, arrived at the NRA National Sporting Arms Museum at Bass Pro Shops in Springfield, MO, they received a welcome that they certainly didn't expect.

Tray Carter marked the 1 millionth visitor to the Sporting Arms Museum since its opening in 2013. Tray, joined by his wife Tracie and their sons Preston and Sam, received limited-edition coins to commemorate the occasion, as well as a leather-bound edition of "Treasures of the NRA National Firearms Museum" signed by author and NRA Museums Director Jim Supica. The family also received a Bass Pro Shops gift certificate and several other mementos of the occasion.

In addition, National Sporting Arms Museum Manager Stoney Roberts gave the family a 2.5-hour guided tour of the museum. The Bass Pro Shops Manager of Operations Pete Duchrow also gave the family a behind-the-scenes tour of the store.

The next day, three other signed leather-bound copies of "Treasures of the NRA National Firearms Museum" were given out to visitors, as well as 25 commemorative coins.

“Visitors come from all corners of America and from all over the world,” Roberts said. “We have a local travel agency that arranges museum tours for visitors from mainland China, and we regularly see guest book entries from France, the United Kingdom, Australia, Austria and most other countries where people are free to travel. “

Roberts said that the museum sees approximately 274,000 visitors annually. The museum features a collection of nearly 1,000 firearms, along with a display of 185 muzzleloaders at the stairway entrance. In addition to firearms, the facility also displays a collection of art and other artifacts dating back to the late 19th century.

The museum is open daily year-round from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., closing only for Christmas Day. Tours can be scheduled by calling (471) 891-5346.


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