Consumer Product Recall Remington Rimfire: Subsonic 22 Long Rifle Ammunition Lot: P25HB4
Remington Ammunition has determined that a certain lot code of Remington Subsonic 22 LR 100 pack ammunition may contain rounds with an insufficient crimp and improper powder charge. Use of this product may result in firearm damage and/or personal injury. This issue is only associated with lot number: P25HB4.
Remington has discovered that an insufficient crimp and improper powder charges could cause high pressure when fired, resulting in firearm damage and/or personal injury. The company advises consumers to check the lot number before using any of this subsonic ammunition.
- Description: Remington Subsonic 22 LR
- Index Number: S22HPA
- Part #: 21137
- Lot Code: P25HB4
- Lot codes are stamped along the exterior of the individual 100 pack plastic tray and along the exterior of the case pack.
Subsonic ammunition is frequently used in conjunction with sound suppressors, so check specialized stores of ammunition purchased specifically for this purpose. This recall does not affect standard and high-velocity ammunition available from Remington, only the specifically branded Subsonic line. Check all packaging and lot numbers carefully if there’s any question.
If you have recently purchased any Remington Subsonic 22 LR ammunition with the specific lot number: P25HB4, Remington Ammunition will exchange this product at no charge. For questions, or to arrange for the exchange or refund of this Subsonic 22 LR ammunition, please contact the Remington Ammunition Customer Service staff at: 1-800-243-9700.
For information on where to find the lot number, Remington has provided graphic assistance in this document. The company advises any consumer who may have purchased any Remington subsonic ammunition to check out the lot number to ensure it is not affected by this recall. Potential damage to rimfire firearms in addition to personal injury are possible if affected ammunition is inadvertently fired.