Firearm Tips

Defensive Knives

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Mauser C78 Revolver

The Classics: Mauser C78 Revolver

Mauser’s “Zig-Zag” revolver offered a different take on Samuel Colt’s best-known invention.

The Beginner's Guide To Defensive Knives

Too close for guns. Time for Plan B.

Pistol Standards: Delta 2

Drill practice involves isolating an individual part of a skill and focusing intently on improving or mastering it.

Reloading On The Fly

No reloading technique seems fast enough when bullets are flying, but a few simple gadgets may accelerate the process.

Tech Wisdom: Plastic Training Ammunition?

A gun show trip turns up to be an unusual kind of training ammunition. 

Best Barrel Length for a Shotgun?

Shotgun barrels come in many lengths. Which is best for defense?

Upgrade Your Iron Sights

If your sights aren't lined up correctly, you're not hitting the target. Do something about it.

Mental Focus

Stray thoughts equals stray shots.

Open Carry: You Decide

Sheriff Jim takes a fair and balanced look at open carry.

Tool Cycling

Having more than one option ready to go is an essential self defense skill.

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